Thursday, July 24, 2008
The abused became the abuser
The problem is, growing up in a violent environment has really spoil this boy's life. He hates adult women. Especially mothers. He makes sure that other children follow his rules. and so many other things including abusing other children.
I have no idea at first how to approach this matter as my son is one of the children that has to follow his rules.
I approached this boy yesterday. As a mother in general. I told what is wrong and what is right. I was thinking, I do not want this boy to grow up hating women especially mothers. Children are still children, They do need love. I just hope that I will be able to help this boy. poor thing that at such a young age, he had to face these kind monster in his life.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
My girl..dressing up...
Yellow belt... My son got it...
Guess what.. he actually git through. He got to the next level... and I actually cried.
Kids with kite...with daddy..
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Lately... I have becoming one of those who actually buy Tesco products... and even help TESCO to promote their product. In this picture, I do use their rice, cordial drinks, salt, tissue paper, Cream Cracker biscuits and also toilet cleaner. Yup.... almost 80% of the product in the photo above... Hey... they are not bad... Actually quite impressive...
But for those who wants a better quality.. Of course, TESCO give a diferent choice. It is called TESCO Choice. From above photo... I am using the paper towel, wet tissu, Evaporated milk and also the handwash. Again... about half from the photo above. That is not included of other products that I am using...
Thank God there is TESCO... With the price of most things are rising higher and higher... I am practically using almost every TECO product... The funny part is, I did not hesitate at all using them. There were a few TESCO customers who was so not sure of using the product actually asked me a few times... Of course, if te product edible, okay or is the product... the standard question... And I did not lie to them... I told them the truth... They are actually good...