Sunday, July 5, 2009

Embassy oh... Hi Comm in London.

Three weeks ago, my husband's family had a breaking news as his niece was admitted to a hospital in London. what really happen, at that time, we were not sure. But I knew immediately that help was needed.

I made an announcement in my facebook and immediately, I was given a number by my friend. She said that her friend is working at the Hi Comm in London, and my second cousin also responded to my announcement and gave me a relative's number.

Somehow, knowing that someone I am related to are there, I felt more comfortable to contact her. She is the PA of the Ambassador there in London. I sent an sms and I got a very frustrating answer from her. She said that she was busy. If she has a spare time, then she will see my brother-in-law and help.

The funny thing is, if she was busy, I am pretty sure she could make a phone call to the officer in charge when it comes to emergency cases like this to assist my brother-in-law's family. Another thing is, for her to have that kind of attitude of couldn't care or couldn't be bothered is tingling inside me as a question keep on coming up inside my head. "What the hell are you doing there?"

Wisma Putra should really look into this as for me, this kind of attitude is sooooo not acceptable. She, as the PA of the Ambassador has tarnish the Ambassador's name. Is the Ambassador of Malaysia in London has that kind of attitude too? Because it portraits from his PA. Seriously, why is she there? To arrange schedule for the Ambassador to do the ribbon cutting ceremony over and over again? I saw that as the highlight of the Ambassador's activity in London. If there's an emergency case like what had happen to my brother-in-law, he is suppose to bring a ribbon for the Ambassador to cut in order to get the the PA's attention and put in the Ambassador schedule?

I do applause a few other officers at the Embassy. I sent an sms (given by my friend) on Monday and morning by the evening,(Monday time UK), he replied and took action immediately. For these two guys, I salute you. May Allah bless your life forever. You have no idea how that makes us all feel.

Anyway, Hanis, 12 years old, my niece is still on oscillator there in St Mary's Hospital. Her condition s too fragile that she can't be moved. The latest that we found out is that her lung is 70% damaged. It all started with a pneumocaccal bacteria. Beware everyone. This bacteria is deadly.

Pray for Hanis as that is all we could do now. I campaign that other people to pray for her too. Some people find it funny that I make the announcement many times but never under estimate the power of DOA.

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