Thursday, July 28, 2011

Israeli playing for Singapore booed

I just heard this. I know, it is a bit basi already but, I just heard okay... Never really interested in football or any sports all. Unless you count running. I love to run as it is my only way to get rid of tense, stressful feeling and anything of the same.

Back to the topic. There was a match between Singapore and Malaysia last week. I have no idea what was the result but I saw an article where Malaysian supporters booed a Singaporean player who is from Israel. I do wonder why. I asked around and they said because the player is from Israel. We just dont like them in general.

You Malaysians got to be kidding me. Most of you still eat at McDonalds, use Nestle product and all other products that directly fund the Zionis. Lagi mau boo. Piiirrraaahhhh!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Someone in my family is going through hell right now. A nasty divorce. Almost everyday that person call me telling me what is happening and how he or she is doing his or her best so that the divorce would go on smoothly.

Someone in my family is having problem with his or her spouse. Jealousy! Almost everyday he or she calls me. Telling me that he or she has the right to be jealous. His or her spouse is acting strangely when it comes to this one particular person.

Someone in my family is fed up with the fussiness that he or she has to go through in their marriage. Everything is wrong, and nothing is right. He or she just cannot stand with the fussiness as it is making him or her really fed up. This person calls me once a week.

I have my problems too. But I can't tell my own family as they tell their problems to me. Thankfully I have a few good friends that is always ready to be there for me. And I am always there for them. The funny part is, none of my family know that the problem that I am facing is bigger than theirs. Oh well...

Friday, March 11, 2011

future problems came from the past?

The first time I heard of this when i was n newly wed. Someone told me, a certain person in the family acted that way because she had a problematic past. My first reaction was to say... really?

From time to time, I keep on reflecting my actions with my past. Did I do something because of my past? I tried to think of any incidents that I could relate to it. But usually, I can't.

The reason is, I am a true believer that my past developed me as a person, but is not the reason for my future to happen the way it happened. Correct me if I am wrong. Do you really believe just because someone stab you from behind when you were 7 years old, that is why you just cannot trust anybody else in this world. One incident against millions all other beautiful and wonderful things that has happened to you, you blame on that one bad incident. Get real!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Horse patrol

One morning, my sis-in-law took two of my bigger children for a walk at the park. My poor baby wanted to follow but of course, my sis-in-law don't want to bring her along as she do not know how to take care of 3 kids at one time especially at an open place.

My baby girl cry and cry and luckily, two patrol horses came by... thanks to them, my little stop crying. I was so happy.. thanks guys... you were a lot of help...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Kurang Ajar! What does it mean!

Today, I saw a lady telling someone very much younger woman than her this ,

"Kurang ajar!"

The younger woman was so quiet and did not say a thing. The older lady keep on saying "Kurang ajar".

The younger woman still did not say anything but I could see that she was going to cry. So, I just had to go there and put my hand on the younger woman shoulder.

I told the older lady that if she needs a place to scold or shout that girl, please feel free to use my house which was so nearby. It so embarassing when she shouted at the younger woman like that.

The older lady said "You also kurang ajar!" Well.. I am not that younger woman. Of course I got to answered back.

"Why is it I kurang ajar?"

"For interfereing, That is Kurang ajar!"

"Well in that case, my parents did taught me well, it is just me who never listen to them. That is not Kurang Ajar!, That is tak belajar-belajar! Next time, if you want to use a term such as Kurang ajar, do search the meaning first. You sound so stupid. You are angry at this woman, but you curse her parents. Kan ke bodoh namanya."

With that I left with the younger woman right behind me.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How nice can you be?

I was told today by my mum that be nice to people who has helped you. No matter what. But, my question is, how nice should you be? Is there a guide line for this or just bluntly, no matter what, we need to be nice to the person who has helped you?

To me, that seems a little too much if we need to be nice without any boundaries to the person who has helped you. What if that person take advantage of you? Do you still need to be nice? Or that is the full stop? Or maybe, because that person helped you before, it is okay for that person to take advantage of you that need to be nice that person?

So many questions, I tried to ask my mum but she just keep on telling me that I can never be not nice to anyone who has helped me. No matter what the cost... hmmm...?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Look busy je...

When I was still a student, I love to write back home newspaper and tell stories that I saw. From the utilities to behaviour and lot other things. but my stories, of course kena booo... why? because is not about hardship, nothing to do with what I have to face with so called racism that was so 'hangat' at that time and also about me that had to work to make a living in a foreign country.

1st of all, no hardship. I had a good time in Melbourne. Love the place and still hoping that one I will have the opportunity to go back there and stay there. (Fat chance, now for me to live in Kota damansara also is a big thing so we end up still staying in TTDI)

2ndly on my first day I was at my Uni, a girl came to me and told me that Jesus loves me. And I told her "Of course, I love him too." She was shocked and she asked me why since that I am a Muslim. so I told her that Jesus is also one of Allah's prophet and do you even know that? Well in short, she converted into Islam a year after our initial talk and is married to a Muslim. Alhamdullilah.

3rd thing that happened my first few days there, there was a guy at my Uni shouted at me "Islam are f***ers! Being "mulut laser" of course I asked him out loud also "What are you, a virgin?" and I laughed and left the place for class. The next day, he came to me and we have been friends till now. Do mind that I do where 'tudung' or hijab already.

And the last thing is I believe most Malaysians are more racist that people in Australia. do the chinese watch Malay drama? Our life is so segmented to our own race. To me that is racism.

Sorry, (not really sorry actually) this is only me. I write what I saw and usually not what are always expected. That is just me. So.. I look busy now, as I am going back to writing. it is what I love to do.