Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year 2010

When we were young, the adults always ask the kids what they are going to be when they grow up. Why? Does it really matter what they want to be at the time with what they actually going to be.

When I was young, my parents encouraged me to be a doctor. Until I was ten, I realized that I l0ve to find facts and put up a good argument with anyone. So, I wanted to be a lawyer. By the time I was twelve, I really couldn't be bothered what I want to be anymore.

The fact is, I had no idea what kind of life is waiting for me before and what kind of life that is promised to me now. Do having a bachelor degree an assurance of anything for your future. I doubt that. So, when I was twelve, when people ask what I was going to be, I said I do not know. I am just living the moment.

A lot of reaction that I got. Some like it and some was confused. I dont really care about them. Not my problem if they do not like my answer.

At the age 32, my mum was telling me a few months back that my brother is getting promoted to better position in the company and so is my sister. My eldest is doing well and buying a new luxury car. I realized that I did not sound exciting or bother actually. I am a housewife that is taking care of my own kids full time. I have more things in my mind than promotion or cars. At the time I was realizing the fact that I was happy with what I have. When my mum said that one day I will have my own luxury car and let her be on the driver's seat, the first thing I asked her was... " Do I have to have a luxury car?". I am not going to elaborate my mum's reaction on my question.

Since then, my only resolution is to maintain happiness. At least let it be status quo. Better, why not. This year, is the same thing. Maintain my happiness, if I can be more happy than I am now, why not.

Happy New Year! 2010!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Monster or a mother?

I have three children. Age 8, 5 and 1. Today I screamed at that them for being nuisance which is basically being them... kids. I regret after but when I was shouting and angry at them... I do realized at one point I was more like a monster than a mother.

Sometimes, I just cant help myself. My eldest just refuse to learn anything, from school or from me, Rather spend his time watching TV and playing games. My middle child just want to focus only on her. When I was just about to feed her sister she will ask me to prepare food for her and telling me that she was really hungry when I just geve her two plates of rice. That is not the only example. And my youngest just do not want to back down from all the attention that I am giving my other two children.

Finally, in the evening when I was super tired and they still playing their games making all the fuss and being nuisance, I screamed. Really shout out loud. I just cant take it anymore. They do not want to listen to what I say but I have to listen to them. Which psychologist actually put a write up on being a good listener to their children. Obviously, that person do not have children.

The more you listen to them, the more they want it. I do realized sometimes my kids became very selfish. This is just hard. Trying to teach them what is right and what is wrong. That is why, sometimes I do feel like I am a monster than a mother expecially when I shout at them.

Friday, December 25, 2009

I take that as a compliment

Since I was a child. My family members love to tell me that I was fat. Even when I was not even reach 20kgs when I was 7 years old. At that time my height was around 100cm.

When I was a teenager, the same kind of remarks are like beautiful + lousy songs to my ears. Sometimes it hurts sometimes, I just couldn't be bothered. When I was sweet 16, my height was 155cm and my weight was around 38kg. Still my family just love to tell me that I was fat and look ridiculous.

I am not sure, is it because I just ignore them or because I was an easy target. I did cry a few times. (give me a break, I was a teenager) but after a while I just stop from feeling anything on what they have said.

I stop thinking and feeling or even hurt when I became an anaroxic. The year was 1997. I was in Melbourne furthering my study. Most of my friends starting to realized the problem that I was facing. And as usual, I denied everything. My mum, my eldest brother with her wife came to Melbourne when the doctor told them to come. But when they came, I was out of the hospital and the doctor were not able to talk to my mum or my brother and of course I did not give the message from the doctor to contact him. What can I say, because of the eating disorder, my brain did not get enough food, so... I just can't remember the message that I was suppose to tell them. But I did remember to run to the telephone every time it rang as I was scared that the doctor's office might call my place.

The reason why I stop feeling, thinking or even hurt when they said that I was, am or really fat is because at my condition of having an eating disorder which most of the people around me do realized my condition ( they do not need a doctor to tell them my situation), my mum and my brother told me that I was fat. huahahahahaha!!! That is when I do not bother anymore. I stopped from being an anaroxic. It was really a waste of energy and time.

Just after I gave birth to my first child, on the Hari Raya (eid'Fitri), I went to visit my aunt's family. I wasn't sure how to react or what to do. The whole time I was there, the whole family except for my aunty was keep on telling me that I was fat. FYI they also said that I was fat when I was a child. So... I really wasn't sure how to react because I thought I should feel offended, I was not. Hurt? Nope. So, I just put a smile on my face and move on with my life.

Lately, just after I gave birth to my third child, my mum keep on telling me that I was too fat already. In English it would be that I look huge. Okay... I am no longer wearing small size. Medium size depends on the brand but large, is comfy to me. At this point, my weight is around 55kg to 57kg. I am not in obese category but I was bigger than when I was pre firstpregnancy time. On my wedding day, I was 48kg. So I gain 7 kg - 10kg. The thing is... I am happy.

But do my family see all that... I don't think so. I am not sure what they really see when they look at me. I went back to my parent's place last week. I was wearing this old baggy blouse. It was given by my mum-in-law. (I am such a sucker I do wear whatever she gave me. So sue me)
Actually, it is made of cotton amd comfortable for travelling. That was the real reason I wore that blouse on that day. But as I arrived, my sister and my father was at the living room waiting for us and the first thing my father said that I look like my cousin who is staying Perak now. Her name is Masitah Harun.

I call her Kak Itah. Yup, she is a plum lady but she has the most beautiful heart in this whole world. She took care of my mum and dad when they do not have a place to stay while they were there. She cook for them and clean after them. Whatever my parents want, she will try to get for them. Anything and everything. If my dad said that I look like her... I take that as a compliment. Probably my dad and family feel that my Kak Itah is fat so she is in not so beautiful category... to me... I still take that as a compliment as I was said to look like her.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Amah Indonesia vs Malaysian.

Amah RM25 satu jam

Oleh Syuhada Choo Abdullah

Majikan boleh dapat diskaun jika guna khidmat secara pakej

KUALA LUMPUR: Bayaran khidmat pembantu rumah mengikut jam yang akan dicadangkan Persatuan Agensi Pembantu Rumah Asing (Papa) kepada kerajaan dianggarkan pada kadar RM25 hingga RM50 sejam dengan diberikan pakej istimewa supaya tidak membebankan pelanggan.

Pelanggan yang mengambil pakej istimewa berdasarkan tempoh perkhidmatan secara mingguan atau bulanan akan diberikan diskaun supaya tidak membebankan mereka, kata Presiden Papa, Datuk Raja Zulkepley Dahalan.

Beliau berkata, kadar bayaran juga berbeza mengikut kategori perkhidmatan seperti menjaga orang sakit dan warga emas; menjaga bayi, kanak-kanak dan ibu dalam pantang selepas bersalin; dan melakukan kerja rumah serta pembersihan.

"Jika pelanggan menggunakan perkhidmatan untuk tempoh yang lama, mereka akan diberikan potongan khas sebagai tanda prihatin, terutama yang terdesak atau dalam kecemasan dan memerlukan khidmat pembantu rumah.

"Sebagai contoh, jika menggunakan perkhidmatan sejam, bayarannya mungkin banyak tetapi jika sehingga lima jam, mereka akan diberikan diskaun. Namun, bayaran sebenar akan ditetapkan pada kadar yang munasabah dan tidak membebankan berdasarkan rundingan dengan kerajaan kelak," katanya kepada Berita Harian semalam.

Raja Zulkepley juga berkata, pelbagai faktor akan diambil kira dalam menentukan kadar bayaran, termasuk kategori perkhidmatan, lokasi, kuasa pasaran semasa serta kos yang ditanggung agensi seperti penghantaran pembantu rumah kepada pelanggan.

Selain itu, beliau berkata, agensi bebas menawarkan bayaran dalam lingkungan kadar yang ditetapkan untuk membolehkan pelanggan membuat pilihan kerana tidak akan ada monopoli, sebaliknya wujud persaingan sihat di kalangan agensi, terutama dari segi kualiti perkhidmatan.

"Hasrat Papa ialah untuk membolehkan orang ramai menikmati perkhidmatan pada kadar bayaran yang serendah mungkin. Justeru, kerajaan diharap dapat memudahkan kerenah birokrasi dan mengurangkan levi yang boleh mengakibatkan kos meningkat.

"Difahamkan ada sindiket perkhidmatan pembantu rumah harian haram mengenakan RM60 sejam atau antara RM1,200 hingga RM1,300 sebulan. Mangsanya ialah orang ramai yang terdesak atau kecemasan untuk mendapatkan khidmat pembantu rumah sementara," katanya.

Justeru, beliau berkata, jika kerajaan meluluskan cadangan Papa, orang ramai bukan saja boleh mendapatkan perkhidmatan pada kadar berpatutan, malah tidak perlu bimbang dengan pelbagai risiko berkaitan pembantu rumah yang disediakan sindiket haram.

"Malah, untuk kemudahan pelanggan, ada cadangan supaya tempahan boleh dilakukan melalui internet atau panggilan telefon," katanya.

Akhbar ini semalam melaporkan orang ramai boleh menjimatkan kos pembantu rumah sehingga purata RM900 sebulan jika kerajaan meluluskan cadangan Papa supaya khidmat pembantu rumah dibayar mengikut jam perkhidmatan.

Papa juga mencadangkan visa blok atau berkumpulan dan permit kerja sementara diberi secara kuota kepada agensi berkelayakan yang turut menguruskan kemasukan, pendaftaran, penempatan, tempat kediaman, kebajikan serta perkara lain berkaitan pembantu rumah serta hanya agensi berdaftar dengan persatuan dibenarkan menguruskan perkhidmatan itu.

Everything written in red above was published in Berita Harian yesterday 24-September-2009. Only oen thing I want to say.... I'd rather pay, a Malaysian, no matter Malay, Indian or Chinese to be the amah and pay RM25 to RM50 per hour than paying the Indonesians. Why should I pay them so much when Malaysians do need job and they are getting paid less than RM10 per hour to work in the factory or even in KFC. Seriously...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Embassy oh... Hi Comm in London.

Three weeks ago, my husband's family had a breaking news as his niece was admitted to a hospital in London. what really happen, at that time, we were not sure. But I knew immediately that help was needed.

I made an announcement in my facebook and immediately, I was given a number by my friend. She said that her friend is working at the Hi Comm in London, and my second cousin also responded to my announcement and gave me a relative's number.

Somehow, knowing that someone I am related to are there, I felt more comfortable to contact her. She is the PA of the Ambassador there in London. I sent an sms and I got a very frustrating answer from her. She said that she was busy. If she has a spare time, then she will see my brother-in-law and help.

The funny thing is, if she was busy, I am pretty sure she could make a phone call to the officer in charge when it comes to emergency cases like this to assist my brother-in-law's family. Another thing is, for her to have that kind of attitude of couldn't care or couldn't be bothered is tingling inside me as a question keep on coming up inside my head. "What the hell are you doing there?"

Wisma Putra should really look into this as for me, this kind of attitude is sooooo not acceptable. She, as the PA of the Ambassador has tarnish the Ambassador's name. Is the Ambassador of Malaysia in London has that kind of attitude too? Because it portraits from his PA. Seriously, why is she there? To arrange schedule for the Ambassador to do the ribbon cutting ceremony over and over again? I saw that as the highlight of the Ambassador's activity in London. If there's an emergency case like what had happen to my brother-in-law, he is suppose to bring a ribbon for the Ambassador to cut in order to get the the PA's attention and put in the Ambassador schedule?

I do applause a few other officers at the Embassy. I sent an sms (given by my friend) on Monday and morning by the evening,(Monday time UK), he replied and took action immediately. For these two guys, I salute you. May Allah bless your life forever. You have no idea how that makes us all feel.

Anyway, Hanis, 12 years old, my niece is still on oscillator there in St Mary's Hospital. Her condition s too fragile that she can't be moved. The latest that we found out is that her lung is 70% damaged. It all started with a pneumocaccal bacteria. Beware everyone. This bacteria is deadly.

Pray for Hanis as that is all we could do now. I campaign that other people to pray for her too. Some people find it funny that I make the announcement many times but never under estimate the power of DOA.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Boycott the product.. Is it hard?

Since the last time Israel attack the Palestine I vowed that I would do in any way that I could not to stop all this. At this point,I could stop buying products made by the Israels and also the US who love them so much.

My friends keep on telling me that it is not easy to do that as most stuff are made by them. The children just can't live without McDonalds, Pizza Hut and all other American stuff.

When they said that to me... I just call my children and ask them to tell my friends why they do not want to go and eat at McDonalds, do not want to use Nestle product, and all other stuff. My children's answer is very simple. "They use the money that mummy pay to buy those stuff to buy bombs. We do not want that."

MY children until today has not use evem ome single Israel or US product that we know. Woohoo!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Norish Karman

Norish Karman has been acting, living breeding in Malaysia for over 15 years. the first time I remember seeing her was in MHI or at least one of the talk show. At the time, she just act in Sayang Salmah. I thought she was pretty.

Lately, she made a comeback. She is married with children of her own. But the thing is, she has been telling that she is ion fact only 33 years or 34 years old. Liar liar pants on fire. When I was in high school and when she starred in Sayang Salmah. I do remember she was already around 27 years old. How the hell did she became the same age as me after more than 15 years?

Truly. She should just tell her real age because she will surely gain more respect. Because at her age looking like now, she is a hot babe. She realy should not lie about her age.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Post Natal depression

Who would have known when it comes. The experts said that it can happen to a woman even after a year she gae birth.

Even the strongest woman I know has gone through it. I can't believe that I am going through it now and no one realized that I am having it now. From the outside, I am just as I am but inside it is going hay wire and crazy. I do feel like leaving my kids and husband right now, because I really can't stand looking at them. But I am not that insane that I really do it. Crazy... relaly crazy...

Prayer is the only thing that helps me... Pray and pray and pray.... I just hope.. that I don't forget or insanely forget how to pray. Almighty Allah. Please help me.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Perak oh Perak...

Seriously.... When is it people going to learn that the state is belong to the Sultan. The Mat Salleh who came in and put the regulations, constitution and lot other things... The state belong to their ancestors... WHo are you to sue them or say what they can or cannot do. Seriously...Who the hell do you think you are ? McDreamy King?Or McDreamy Singh?