Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Few or many children?

A few years back, when was not married yet, a good friend of mine lost her mother. She passed away while she was doing her grocery shopping at Pasar Besar Seremban.

That was when I heard that there were 6 boys in his family. All six of them carried their mothers body to the grave and buried their mother. Six children... Why not? I would like my children to do the same to me. That's what I thought at that time.

Now, I do realized that quality is more important than quantity. Having many children do not promise you that one day, at least one would be able to take care of you or at least be there with you.

So many veterans, old ladies and men are deposited at the old folks home. Most of them do not have a choice as their their children are old, moneyless or just plain lazy with a lot of excuses. How I wish parents could do the same to their children, as being old, moneyless and lazy and a lot of other excuses to not taking care of their children.

This is just bad. I've seen Old Folks Home and been there. I can't blame the caretaker as some oldies are really sometimes could really make another person or their caretaker upset and lose their temper with their nuisance. But the oldies are just being them. Just like kids being kids.

So... why is it that grown up kids do come up with a lot of excuses in taking care of their parents. Life commitment? Spouse? Their own kids? What? Probably is not even an excuse... it is just naturally like that. Really?

Parents brought their children up teaching them about survival and living in this tough tough world. Probably the situation and condition as the parents grow older never really came up. So, some children, they do not see that their parents actually grow old and do need help. A lot of help. Instead of the parents continue be there for them and assist them, but it goes the other way around a well.

I hope I am not the kind of kids that thought their parents stay young forever...

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