Thursday, March 6, 2008

Marilah mari... kita mengundi....

Woohoo... Two more days... I can go and vote for whoever that I want.

When I was young... I always thought that we vote based on the party...But.. as I grow older... I started to realized that... is not really about the party... but actually about the person who wants to take the responsibility and take care of you and your family and also the future of the country. It really is no longer about the party...

Candidates can be from the best party that the country ever had... but he could be sucks... Candidates choose the party they want to be in.. not the party choose them... Right???

So... in conclusion... follow your heart... it is your right... And just say.. accidentally you mark X at the wrong box... you can always ask a new one from the person in charge.. It is your right. But... don't do that too many times... Than...that means you are indecisive... If that is the case... Don't go and waste your time... just use the coins... let that decide.. hahaha!!! just kidding...

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