Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mother's Day

 Mothers day, the original of Mother's Day, ia from every where any where. We have no idea which is real and which is the original.

I do like one version though

In the old days, boys, very very young boys, in England and some European countries, they have to be away from their family, especially their mum and they could only come back to their families once a year. So, on their walk, going back to their mums, they will pick wild flowers to give to their mums. And their mums usually cook and hug and cuddle them as they were still very young. As young as 5 and 6 years old.

It has become a yearly event and thats how Mother's Day begun.

Aa for me. Its the day, i dont want to do anything as a mother. Wakakakaka!!! 

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