Thursday, December 6, 2007

Buah mengkudu

This is buah mengkudu or also known as buah nona... I onlys used around 3 biji per month for my scalp. But there are just keep on coming from the tree in front of my house. I just do not know who would like to buy from me.

Buah nona is good in so many ways. Good if you have asthma and dandruff (like me).

This is the tree. The fruit can be seen. A lots of fruits.


Unknown said...

Coz justzed suggests that you make fresh noni juice from your surplus supply of mengkudu fruits, add a little milk and honey u get a perfect health drink - sure sedap! There's no need to sell the fruits.

Mimi Liana said...

seriously... how about the smell???

Unknown said...

To Kak Ida anything that does not smell or taste like durians should be fine.

Mimi Liana said...

Durian taste sweet.. mengkudu smells horrible. But I do have some indonesians that work near my house actually asked from me if they can take them. I let them take. they said they dirnk the juice for health. Whatever....