Friday, December 14, 2007

One Fine Day

9am - at the doctor as when my daughter woke up this morning, her eyes and mouth was blue black. It turned out to be nothing. Just because the night before she was crying so hard. That's why her eyes and mouth turn blue and black.

9.35am - called a client of mine that I was suppose to meet to give her, her auntie's selendang that she ordered from me. Told her that I'll meet her in the evening.

10am - at the bank. Get our passports from the safe deposits. my son's and mine are expired. Need to renew fast as Air Asia's offer only valids till this Sunday. (Oh yeah, we are planning to go to Padang next Feb)

10.30am - at the Foto ZZoom. Took my son's a passport photo and had to wait 15 minutes before they are ready. I had mine from before.

11am - rush to the Immigration in Subang. Got lost and finally found the turning to the Immigration at 12.15pm.

12.25pm - took numbers from counter 1 and saw that my number was 1310 and 1311 while the current number was 1134. Sucks! I askedmy children to sit still. I was not able to find a place to rest my hips and legs. Walking and driving for the past two hours, my back is already in full pain.

12.30pm - went to the canteen and bought nasi with an egg an a piece of chicken. (By now, my legs are already killing me with pain)

1pm - I realized that I had to go back as the place is so pack. Need to go to the toilet. So are my two kids. So rush back home.

1.30pm - my daughter said she wants to stay at grandma's place. She doesn't want to follow me. I thought that was so great. At least I can concentrate better with only one of them with. So I sent her to her grandma's. Said bye-bye and rush back to the immigration office in Subang.

2pm - arrived and waited in the building. the current number at the time was 1185. Yippee!!! More pain from my leg coming.

2.10pm - had to call my client again that I was going to be late as there were long line at the Immigration. She asked me why do I have to do the passport today when I have already promised to meet her today. What can I say. I just told her that I never thought that it was going to take this long. It is my fault.

2.15pm - my husband called, and asked where I was.

3pm - finally the number comes to 1200. And suddenly it moves quite fast. After 20 minutes, it was back to normal, which was slow.

3.30pm - my client called. She told me that she wants her money back. She is upset. I had to beg her to be a bit sabar. I had no choice. I had to do this. Not for me, but for my family. Finally, she accepted my explanation.

3.45pm - the numbers move fast again. At this point, I realized that when the supervisor was around, the people at the counter hit the number right after another. If not, they will speak on the phone or do not know what.

4.15pm - My son was hungry again brought him to the canteen and bought him roti bakar. He loves it. Thank God! There was nothing left to eat.

4.30pm - the number at the time was 1295. Finally... there was hope.

4.40pm - Finally the beautiful lady hit my number. Did what ever we had to do and wait again. That is for us to pay. (My kaki rasa dah nak tercabut)

5pm - all done. Called my client and asked her where she was. She was at one utama. I told her that I will meet her there. I rushed back home. Took the selendang. Put on a hanger and put a plastic on top of it and immediately went to One Utama and meet my client there. By the time. I seriously cannot drive any longer but I had no choice. I am not going to sleep with my son in the car there.

5.30pm - Finally I can go and pick up my daughter from her grandma's. I was so shocked to see that my daughter's hair was senget and was cut in different length all over. My mum in law told me that my daughter request for the hair cut. Rasa nak nangis sangat.

I feel pretty messed up right now. My little girl has such beautiful hair. But because of this, I have to cut her hair like a boy. I am still wondering what was my daughter thinking. Why didn't she tells me that she wants a hair cut?

Her hair is just like mine. I takes a long time to grow. On average, normal people grow half inch per month. But my daughter and I will take 3 to 4 months to grow and inch. So very slow. it is so genetic. Don't ask me how I know this because I did measure. Like I got nothing else to do. But I did. and I do not have any other things to do.That's why I measure and also out of curiousity.

Please Allah, give me strength to cut my daughter's hair short. Really short. Sayangnya, Even when she was a baby, I didn't allow my husband to cukur my daughter's hair. Now... I think, my husband is going to get his wish. He can finally cut as short or as bald as he always wanted to do to my daughter. I am so not going to do it. huaahhh!!!


Twinkle said...

Mimi!!! Are you out of your mind???? Your schedule is like popping my eyes out from the sockets!!

Any Syasya's beauiful hair nak kena potong ker? Alaaa.. sayangnya.. I love her hair... curly curly... Twinkle's hair punya la sikit..

Mimi Liana said...

I can't believe that I actually went through that kind of day yesterday. And as for syasya's hair, cut her hair already. Got no choice because so senget... my girl has a boy cut now. Huaaahhh!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Mimi!

My mum loves the selendang that you made. My cousin is no longer upset when she read your blog about your day. My mum wants more. She was thinking of off white colour. Same material but different design of beads. I will contact you soon.

Unknown said...

Hi Supermum, I am happy to know that your client is pleased with the selendang you made for her. Hope you get lots of orders but please don't squeeze in too many chores in one day. Take care of your health ok.

Is Syasya pleased with her new look?