Monday, December 24, 2007

Life Partner

I was watching one of Barbie movies. Island Girl. Then I watch other Barbie movies, such as the Princess and the Pauper, The dancing Princesses and so many others. There is only one thing in common about these movies. To find your life partner, you need to find someone just like you.

Could this be true? I tried to ask a few of my friends who aren't married. Why is it they are not married yet? Is it that hard to get a man that is marriable? Their answers are mostly the same. They can't find someone who are charming and good. Or most men that they met has no common interest. There are also so many T & C? Some of the conditions are, they want non-smoking man, handsome and also abedient. Do these men exist? However, there a few of my friends who just do not want to get married. Well, they know what they want and nobody should say that it is not the right choice.

Out 1000 men, there could be only one who don't smoke, handsome and nice at the same time. Those are the T & C that my friends told me. To get all three, that is 'durian runtuh'. The thing is, we have watching movies such as all the Barbie movies since we were very little. Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, unfortunately, they are all Fairy Tales and will remain that way forever. And... if you want to find a life partner that has common interest as you, isn't that going to be boring? Not that I am saying there are no nice guys out there...(like the picture above), but don't be to choosy my friends. Be thankful if you found a moderate nice guy. Super fantastic nice guy??? Like my grandma always told me when I was young. Have you look yourself into the mirror lately? Are you pretty?

When she said that, I understand fully that if I want a perfect partner, I have to be perfect as well. Which I am absolutely, for sure not perfect. Unless of course I have a mind exactly like the kitten in the picture.

Whatever it is... I do believe that life partner with common interest is so boring. You know what is next. Nothing is unpredictable. Nothing is a surprise. A life partner is a long time. If you know what is going to happen next.... Boring... Besides that.. having a common interest means besides at home.. you'll be seeing each almost anywhere and everywhere. Oh no!!

So.. my point is my friends... Suka hatilah... As long as you are happy. You have been asking about me being married. I told you all.. it is no fairy tale.. but I love every moment of it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting thought. Now I should start looking for someone different from me from now on. Never really thought of it that way...